Xoops Development::Xoops Moving to Github...
We are not moving to GitHub, i.e. we'll still be on SourceForge. But we plan to use GitHub for XOOPS 2.6.0 development.
SouceForge has a Git (which is not GitHub), but since there are tons of OpenSource developers hanging out on GitHub, it will be good to establish our presence there. Especially since we plan to also have CI (Continues Integration) with Jenkins which will then linked to the GitHub repository (more info about it will be coming soon).
If you want to learn more about GitHub, and how Git compares to SVN, there are tons of info on the Web, so you can just Google for it. If you use TortoiseSVN, there is also TortoiseGit, which should make any transition much easier. Just open an account on GitHub and play with it.
At the moment, we don't know how it will work, but it would be nice to be able to sync source repositories on GitHub and SourceForge SVN, so nobody would feel that they are forced to use GitHub, if they feel happy with SVN. But we'll see....
We are not moving to GitHub, i.e. we'll still be on SourceForge. But we plan to use GitHub for XOOPS 2.6.0 development.
SouceForge has a Git (which is not GitHub), but since there are tons of OpenSource developers hanging out on GitHub, it will be good to establish our presence there. Especially since we plan to also have CI (Continues Integration) with Jenkins which will then linked to the GitHub repository (more info about it will be coming soon).
If you want to learn more about GitHub, and how Git compares to SVN, there are tons of info on the Web, so you can just Google for it. If you use TortoiseSVN, there is also TortoiseGit, which should make any transition much easier. Just open an account on GitHub and play with it.
At the moment, we don't know how it will work, but it would be nice to be able to sync source repositories on GitHub and SourceForge SVN, so nobody would feel that they are forced to use GitHub, if they feel happy with SVN. But we'll see....