Xoops Development::strtotime in edit mod
In my latest modules I solved the date format problem using the php DateTime object in this way
in form ...
in form request handler...
I think it's a solution that could work well
Bye Lucio
In my latest modules I solved the date format problem using the php DateTime object in this way
in form ...
// set date in a timestamp format
$item_date = ...
// form datetime element
$form->addElement(new XoopsFormDateTime(_ITEM_DATE, 'item_date', 15, $this->getVar('item_date'), true));
in form request handler...
// get date in a timestamp format
$dateTimeObj = DateTime::createFromFormat(_SHORTDATESTRING, $_REQUEST['item_date']['date']);
$dateTimeObj->setTime(0, 0, 0);
// date timestamp
$item_date = $dateTimeObj->getTimestamp() + $_REQUEST['item_date']['time'];
I think it's a solution that could work well
Bye Lucio